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AYPARALLEL procedure

Does the same analysis of variance for several y-variates, and collates the output (R.W. Payne & D.B. Baird).


PRINT = string tokens Controls printed output (summary, monitoring); default * i.e. none
TREATMENTSTRUCTURE = formula Treatment formula for the analysis; if this is not set, the default is taken from the setting (which must already have been defined) of the TREATMENTSTRUCTURE directive
BLOCKSTRUCTURE = formula Block formula for the analysis; if this is not set, the default is taken from any existing setting specified by the BLOCKSTRUCTURE directive and if neither has been set the design is assumed to be unstratified (i.e. to have a single error term)
COVARIATE = variates Defines any covariates
FACTORIAL = scalar Limit on the number of factors in a treatment term
SAVETERMS = formula Treatment terms for which to save information; if this is not set, information is saved for all the treatment terms
REPLICATION = pointer Pointer to tables saving the replication of the SAVETERMS
SPREADSHEET = string tokens What results to save in spreadsheets (aov, means, vcmeans, effects, vareffects, seeffects, contrasts, secontrasts, tcontrasts, prcontrasts); default * i.e. none
CONTRASTSLIMIT = scalar Limit on the order of a contrast of a treatment term; default 4
DEVIATIONSLIMIT = scalar Limit on the number of factors in a treatment term for the deviations from its fitted contrasts to be retained in the model; default 9


Y = variates or pointers Y-variates for each analysis
VFACTOR = factors Identifies the individual y-variates when they are supplied in a single Y variate
RESIDUALS = variates or matrices Saves the residuals
FITTEDVALUES = variates or matrices Saves the fitted values
MEANS = pointers Pointer to a matrix for each of the SAVETERMS, saving the means from each analysis
VCMEANS = pointers Pointer to matrices saving variances and covariances for the means
EFFECTS = pointers Pointer to matrices saving effects
VAREFFECTS = pointers Pointer to variates saving unit variances for effects
SEEFFECTS = pointers Pointer to matrices saving effective standard errors of effects
TEFFECTS = pointers Pointer to matrices saving t-statistics for effects
PREFFECTS = pointers Pointer to matrices saving probabilities of t-statistics for effects
DF = pointers Pointer to variates saving degrees of freedom
SS = pointers Pointer to variates saving sums of squares
MS = pointers Pointer to variates saving mean squares
RDF = pointers Pointer to variates saving degrees of freedom for the residual corresponding to each of the SAVETERMS
RSS = pointers Pointer to variates saving residual sums of squares
RMS = pointers Pointer to variates saving residual mean squares
VR = pointers Pointer to variates saving variance ratios
PRVR = pointers Pointer to variates saving probabilities for the variance ratios
CONTRASTS = pointers Pointer to matrices saving estimates of contrasts
SECONTRASTS = pointers Pointer to matrices saving standard errors of contrasts
TCONTRASTS = pointers Pointer to matrices saving t statistics for contrasts
PRCONTRASTS = pointers Pointer to matrices saving probabilities for t statistics of contrasts
Name of Genstat workbook file (.gwb) or Excel (.xls or .xlsx) file to create


The AYPARALLEL procedure does a “parallel” analysis of variance for several y-variates, combining and summarizing the information from all the analyses. The procedure operates most efficiently if the y-values for the analyses are in separate variates (with their units in identical orders). The variates should be placed into a pointer, which should then be used as the setting of the Y parameter of AYPARALLEL. The alternative format has the values for all the analyses in a single variate (which should again be used as the setting of the Y parameter). You must then also set the VFACTOR parameter, to a factor to indicate which values are involved in each analysis.

The BLOCKSTRUCTURE and TREATMENTSTRUCTURE options can specify block and treatment formulae (as in ordinary ANOVA) to define the models for the analysis of variance. If the TREATMENTSTRUCTURE option is not set, AYPARALLEL will use the model already defined by the TREATMENTSTRUCTURE directive, or will fail if that too has not been set. Similarly, if the BLOCKSTRUCTURE option is not set, AYPARALLEL will use the model (if any) previously defined by the BLOCKSTRUCTURE directive. The lengths of the block and treatment factors should be the same as the Y variate or variates. Furthermore, if there is a single Y variate, there must be a unique combimation of the levels of the block factors for every unit (this is required so that AYPARALLEL can check that the y-values are in the correct order for each analysis). The FACTORIAL option sets a limit on the number of factors in a treatment term, as in the ANOVA directive. Similarly the CONTRASTSLIMIT and DEVIATIONSLIMIT options operate as the CONTRASTS and DEVIATIONS options of ANOVA.

The COVARIATE option can list any covariates for the analyses; if this is unset, the default is taken from any existing setting defined by the COVARIATE directive. The lengths of the covariates should be the same as the Y variate or variates.

The RESIDUALS and FITTEDVALUES parameters can save the residuals and fitted values, respectively. These will each be in a pointer with a variate for each analysis if the y-values were specified in separate variates, or in a single variate if the y-values were combined in a single variate. The REPLICATION option saves a pointer containing the replication tables for the SAVETERMS. Parameters MEANS and EFFECTS save tables of means and effects from each analysis. The information is stored in a pointer with a matrix for each of the SAVETERMS. The matrices have a row for each analysis, and the columns are labelled to show how they correspond to the cells of the table. (Note that their ordering is the same as the order in which the contents of the REPLICATION table is stored.) Similarly SEEFFECTS saves effective standard errors for the effects, and VCMEANS saves the variances and covariances of the means. VAREFFECTS saves a pointer of variates storing the unit variances of the effects, obtained by the VARIANCE parameter of AKEEP. Parameters DF, SS, MS, RDF, RSS, RMS, VR and PRVR store information from the analysis of variance table, in pointers with a variate for each term and a unit for each analysis. DF store the number of degrees of freedom for the relevant term (and analysis), SS stores sums of squares, MS stores mean squares, VR stores variance ratios, and PRVR the corresponding probabilities. Similarly the RDF parameter stores the number of degrees of freedom for the appropriate residual for the term, RSS stores the residual sums of squares, and RMS the residual mean square.

Printed output is controlled by the PRINT option, with settings:

    monitoring to print a running total of the number of analyses that have been analysed, and
    summary to print a summary of the significance levels found for the analyses for each of the SAVETERMS.

The SPREADSHEET option lets you save various output components in spreadsheets. You can save these in either a Genstat workbook (.gwb) or an Excel spreadsheet (.xls or .xlsx), by setting the OUTFILENAME option to the name of the file to create. If the name is specified without a suffix, ‘.gwb’ is added (so that a Genstat workbook is saved). If OUTFILENAME is not specified, they are put into a spreadsheet opened inside Genstat.




The analyses are performed by the ANOVA directive.

Action with RESTRICT

Any restrictions on the y-variates will be removed.

See also

Directive: ANOVA.
Commands for: Analysis of variance.


VARIATE    [NVALUES=9] AB011264,AB011266,AB019525
READ       AB011264
4.2 5.1 11.6 3 3.9 9.3 3.3 4.4 10 :
READ       AB011266
12.5 3 8.8 8.7 2.3 7.1 10.3 2.5 6.9 :
READ       AB019525
1.5 6.2 8.9 1.3 4.5 7.7 1.3 5.1 7 :
FACTOR     [LEVELS=3; VALUES=(1...3)3] Reps
FACTOR     [LEVELS=!(0,1,2); ; VALUES=3(0...2)] Times
AYPARALLEL [PRINT=monitoring,summary] !p(AB011264,AB011266,AB019525);\
           RESIDUALS=residuals; FITTEDVALUES=fittedvals;\
           DF=df; SS=ss; MS=ms; RSS=rss; RDF=rdf; RMS=rms; VR=vr; PRVR=prvr;\
           EFFECTS=effects; SEEFFECTS=seeffects; TEFFECTS=teffects;\
           PREFFECTS=preffects; CONTRASTS=contrasts; SECONTRASTS=secontrasts;\
PRINT      #df,#ss,#ms,#rdf,#rss,#rms,#vr,#prvr
&          [SERIAL=yes] residuals,fittedvals,\
Updated on September 4, 2019

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