Adds new branches to a node of a tree.
No options
TREE = trees |
Trees to be extended |
NODE = scalars |
Node at which to extend each tree |
NBRANCHES = scalars |
Number of branches to add to each node; default 2 |
POSITION = scalars |
Position at which to add the branches to each node; default * i.e. after all the current braches from the node |
NEWNODES = variates |
Returns the number(s) allocated to the new nodes |
provides the basic tree utility of adding new branches at a node, which is used for example by the BCONSTRUCT
procedure. Other tree utilities are described in the description of the TREE
directive (which declares and initializes a tree).
The tree to be extended is specified by the TREE
parameter, and the NODE
parameter indicates the node at which the new branches are to be added. The NBRANCHES
parameter specifies the number of branches to add. The POSITION
specifies where to add them if the node is a non-terminal node; by default they are added after all the branches currently from the node. The NEWNODES
parameter saves a variate containing the numbers of the new nodes (i.e. the terminal nodes at the ends of the new branches).
Options: none.
Parameters: TREE
See also
Directives: BASSESS
Procedures: BCONSTRUCT
Functions: BBELOW
Commands for: Calculations and manipulation.
" Examples 1:4.12.3, 1:4.12.4 & 1:4.12.5 " " Declare the original tree." TREE T " Define texts to use as labels for the nodes." TEXT Lab[1...26]; VALUES=\ 'a','b','c','d','e','f','g','h','i','j','k','l','m',\ 'n','o','p','q','r','s','t','u','v','w','x','y','z' " Define information at root to be a pointer with a single element called 'label'." POINTER [NVALUES=!t(label)] T[1] " Set that element to the first value of Lab, i.e. 'a'." TEXT T[1]['label']; VALUE=Lab[1] " Display the tree - first with labels of nodes, then with numbers." BPRINT [PRINT=labelleddiagram,numbereddiagram] T " Extend the tree by forming 3 branches from node 1 (root)." BGROW T; NODE=1; NBRANCH=3; NEWNODES=Gnew " Define the information for the new nodes." POINTER [NVALUES=!t(label)] T[#Gnew] TEXT T[#Gnew]['label']; VALUE=Lab[#Gnew] " Display the extended tree." BPRINT [PRINT=labelleddiagram,numbereddiagram] T " Find the node number of the first terminal node " CALCULATE N1 = BTERMINAL(T; 0) " and then the second terminal node." CALCULATE N2 = BTERMINAL(T; N1) PRINT N1,N2; DECIMALS=0 " Extend the tree by adding 2 branches at the second and then the first terminal node." BGROW T; NODE=N2; NBRANCH=2; NEWNODES=Gnew2 " Define the information for the new nodes." POINTER [NVALUES=!t(label)] T[#Gnew2] TEXT T[#Gnew2]['label']; VALUE=Lab[#Gnew2] BGROW T; NODE=N1; NBRANCH=2; NEWNODES=Gnew1 POINTER [NVALUES=!t(label)] T[#Gnew1] TEXT T[#Gnew1]['label']; VALUE=Lab[#Gnew1] " Display the extended tree." BPRINT [PRINT=labelleddiagram,numbereddiagram] T "4.12.4 Remove the branches below N2, saving these as tree T2; also save and print the node mapping variates." BCUT T; NODE=N2; CUTTREE=T2; OLDNODES=Oldn;\ NEWNODES=Newn; CUTNODES=Cutn PRINT [ORIENT=across] Oldn,Newn,Cutn; FIELD=3; DECIMALS=0 " Display the modified tree, and the cut-tree." BPRINT [PRINT=labelleddiagram,numbereddiagram] T,T2 " Redefine the root of the cut tree so that it no longer shares the same information pointer as the node where the cut was made in the original tree." POINTER [NVALUES=!t(label)] T2root TEXT T2root['label']; VALUE='t2root' ASSIGN T2root; T2; 1 BPRINT [PRINT=labelleddiagram] T2 " Use BCUT to form T3 as a duplicate of T but with renumbered nodes." BCUT [RENUMBER=yes] T; NEWTREE=T3 BPRINT [PRINT=labelleddiagram,numbereddiagram] T3 "4.12.5 Join tree T2 onto node 4 of T3; save and print the numbers of the joined nodes in the revised tree." BJOIN T3; NODE=4; JOINTREE=T2; NEWNODES=Jnew BPRINT [PRINT=labelleddiagram,numbereddiagram] T3 PRINT Jnew; DECIMALS=0 " Tree functions: all nodes below node 2," CALCULATE Below = BBELOW(T3; 0; 0) PRINT Below; DECIMALS=0 " all terminal nodes below node 2," CALCULATE Below0 = BBELOW(T3; 0; 0) PRINT Below0; DECIMALS=0 " first three terminal nodes," CALCULATE N1 = BTERMINAL(T3; 0) & N2 = BTERMINAL(T3; N1) & N3 = BTERMINAL(T3; N2) PRINT N1,N2,N3; DECIMALS=0 " nodes and branches on path to N3," CALCULATE Pn3 = BPATH(T3; N3) & Ln3 = BBRANCHES(T3; N3) PRINT Pn3,Ln3; DECIMALS=0 " depth and number of branches at node 2," CALCULATE Nn2 = BNBRANCHES(T3; 2) & Dn2 = BDEPTH(T3; 2) PRINT Nn2,Dn2; DECIMALS=0 " next nodes on branches 1-3 from node 1, and branch 1 from node 2." PRINT BNEXT(T3; 1; 1); DECIMALS=0 PRINT BNEXT(T3; 1; 2); DECIMALS=0 PRINT BNEXT(T3; 1; 3); DECIMALS=0 PRINT BNEXT(T3; 2; 1); DECIMALS=0 " Scan the tree, taking the nodes in standard order." SCALAR Scan[0]; value=0 CALCULATE Scan[1] = BSCAN(T3; Scan[0]) & Scan[2] = BSCAN(T3; Scan[1]) & Scan[3] = BSCAN(T3; Scan[2]) & Scan[4] = BSCAN(T3; Scan[3]) & Scan[5] = BSCAN(T3; Scan[4]) & Scan[6] = BSCAN(T3; Scan[5]) & Scan[7] = BSCAN(T3; Scan[6]) & Scan[8] = BSCAN(T3; Scan[7]) & Scan[9] = BSCAN(T3; Scan[8]) PRINT Scan[1...9]; FIELD=8; DECIMALS=0