This menu builds the command selected in the Select Command dialog.
If the command has both options and parameters, a tab will be displayed for each of these. There will be no parameters tab if the command has no parameters, and no options tab if it has no options. The names of the options/parameters will be in a array one or two columns wide (depending on how many items there are in the tab), with a field, drop-down list or check box list for each item. Drop-down lists are used where the item has a single value selected from a token list and check box lists where multiple values can be selected from a token list. It you enter a string for single text, this will need to be quoted to enable Genstat to distinguish it from the identifier of a data structure: e.g. ‘Time’ is a single-value text, but Time would be interpreted as an identifier. Unnamed variates can have numbers separated by spaces or commas. The menu will add the !() grouping automatically if this has not been provided: e.g. 1 2 3 would be changed to !(1,2,3). Unnamed texts can have items separated by commas. The menu will add the !t() grouping and any necessary quotes to these automatically if this has not been provided: e.g. 1A,2B,3C would be changed to !t(‘1A’,’2B’,’3C’)
The Tool | Options | Text Editor tab has settings that control the format of the inserted command.
Available data
This lists data structures appropriate to the current input field. The contents will change as you move from one field to the next. You can double-click on a name to copy it into the current input field, or type the name into the field.
Transfer the selected items in the list to the field with most recent focus.
Ignore warnings
If this is selected, then warnings for any required fields that have not been set are ignored. You could select this if you wanted to complete the command option and parameter settings yourself after it has been inserted in to the edit window.
Write all options/parameters
If this is selected, all options and parameters in the command will be included in the inserted command. This allows you to create a template to set any parameter or option in the text editor. If this is not set, only those parameters and options whose fields have entries will be put into the command.
See also
- Select Command dialog.
- Setting Text Editor options.
- Edit Code Sections for Insertion dialog.
- Edit menu.
- SPSYNTAX procedure.
- SYNTAX directive.