Use this to save the results during a canonical variates analysis.
- After selecting the appropriate boxes, you need to type the names for the identifiers of the data structures into the corresponding In: fields.
Scores | Matrix | Unit scores |
Latent roots and vectors | LRV | Loadings, roots and trace |
Residuals | Matrix | Distances of the means from the dimensions fitted |
Means | Matrix | Canonical variate means |
Distances | Symmetric matrix | Inter-group-mean Mahalanobis distances |
The Number of dimensions field on the CVA Options menu controls how many latent roots and vectors are saved (and printed); the residuals are formed from the remaining dimensions.
Display in spreadsheet
The saved results will be displayed within a new spreadsheet. The LRV structure will have its component parts displayed in three separate spreadsheets.
See also
- Options for choosing which results to display
- Canonical Variates Analysis
- Biplot menu to produce a biplot of the results from a principal components analysis
- Discriminant Analysis
- Stepwise Discriminant Analysis
- CVA directive in command mode
- DISCRIMINATE procedure in command mode
- SDISCRIMINATE procedure in command mode