Data Menu Commands


This enables you to load data directly into Genstat from a variety of sources, as follows:


This lets you save the current Genstat data as a .gsv file, allowing you to reopen it later and continue where you left off. You can load data in this format back into Genstat using Data | Load | Resume. Note that the data are saved using a RECORD statement.

Clear All Data

This deletes all current data structures from Genstat, by issuing an ENDJOB command. Data in open spreadsheet windows can be restored to Genstat using the Spread | Update menu.


Calculates new data using any general expression.


Transforms a data variate according to a transformation chosen from a list of common transformations.


Interpolate to predict values at intermediate points in (X,Y) data.

Unit Conversions

Performs standard unit conversions for different types of measurements.

Matrix Calculations

Performs matrix calculations using a subset of functions from the general Calculations menu.

Set Calculations

Performs Boolean arithmetic on sets contained within variates.

Probability Calculations

Performs probability calculations for a range of discrete and continuous distributions.

Table Calculations

Performs calculations with tables to create new tables.

Table Slice

Takes a slice of a table to produce a new table with a subset of the levels of the original table.

Table Combine Levels

Combines levels in a table to produce a new table with fewer levels.

Table Sort

Sorts levels in a table to produce a reordered table.

Generate Random Sample

Generates a random sample from a chosen distribution.

Random Permutations

This performs a random permutation of the units for a set of factors and/or variates.


Calculates the ranks of values within a sample.

Text progression

Form a text progression where the items in a text are created by a sequence of characters with a common offset (e.g. AA, AB, .. ZZ).

Form Groups (Factors)

Converts data from a variate or text into a factor.

Form Multiple-response factors

Produces multiple-response factors from a set of variates or text structures coding individual responses.

Form Similarity Matrix

Forms a symmetric matrix containing similarities between each pair of
observations based on data contained in a set of variates.


Appends a set of vectors of the same type (factor, text, or variate) into a single vector of the same type.


Forms a new vector containing a subset-menu of the values of an existing one.

Display Data in Output

This opens the Display Data in Output menu that allows the output of selected structures to the Output window.

See also

Updated on September 13, 2019

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