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FDRMIXTURE procedure

Estimates false discovery rates using mixture distributions (J.W. McNicol & D.B. Baird).


PRINT = string token What to print (monitoring, estimates); default esti
DISTRIBUTION = string token Which distribution to mix with Uniform (beta, gamma); default beta
INITIAL = variate Initial values for mixing proportion (φ) and Beta or Gamma parameters (A and B); default !(0.90, 0.30, 2)
LOWER = variate Lower limits for parameters; default !(0.00001, 0.001, 0.001)
UPPER = variate Upper values for parameters; default !(0.99999, 5, 1000)
PLOT = string token What to plot (histogram, density, logdensity, inference, loginference); default hist, dens, logd, infe, logi
WINDOW = scalar Window for graphs; default 1
KEYWINDOW = scalar Key window for Inference plot; default 2
MAXCYCLE = scalar Maximum iteration cycles; default 50
TOLERANCE = scalar or variate Tolerance for convergence of parameters; default 0.01 for Beta, and 0.001 for Gamma


PROBABILITIES = variates Significance values, must lie between 0 and 1
ESTIMATES = variates Saves the estimates of mixture parameters φ, A and B
FDR = variates Saves the False Discovery Rates at the p-values in PROBABILITIES i.e. q-values
FRR = variates Saves the False Rejection Rates at the p-values in PROBABILITIES
POWER = variates Saves the power estimates as a function of the p-values in PROBABILITIES
POSTHA = variates Saves the Posterior Probability of Ha at the p-values in PROBABILITIES
LOGLIKELIHOOD = scalars Value of the loglikelihood at end of the iteration process
NCYCLES = scalars Number of iterations taken to convergence


FDRMIXTURE estimates the false discovery rate (FDR), false rejection rate (FRR) and power of a test by modelling significance values as a 2-component mixture of Uniform and Beta or Gamma densities, Allison et al. (2002). The context is multiple testing, with data from any situation where the same simple hypothesis, Ho, is tested many times, such as in transcriptomics (microarrays), metabolomics and proteomics. These tests generate a large number of significance values which, under H0, have a Uniform distribution and, under Ha, can be modelled as a Beta or truncated Gamma density. FDRMIXTURE estimates the parameters of this mixture distribution to derive the False Discovery Rate, Prob(H0/Da), the False Rejection Rate, Prob(Ha/D0) and the Power of the test, Prob(Da/Ha), each as a function of pcrit. Here Da denotes the event “p<pcrit”. The procedure also calculates the posterior probability of Ha, Prob(Ha/p), (POSTHa) from the mixture distribution. The significance values are provided by the PROBABILITIES parameter and the choice of distribution (Beta or Gamma) by the DISTRIBUTION option. The FDR, FRR, POWER and POSTHA parameters return estimates at the corresponding values of PROBABILITIES. Thus FDR contains the q-values of Storey & Tibshirani (2003). An EM algorithm is used to estimate the mixture parameters which are returned in the parameter ESTIMATES.

The mixture model parameterization takes a proportion φ from the Uniform distribution, and (1 – φ) from either a Beta or Gamma distribution. The Gamma parameterization is

f(x) = (1/b)A / Gamma(A) × exp(-x/B) × x(A-1)

truncated at x=1, and the Beta parameterization is

f(x) = x(A-1) × (1-x)(B-1) / Beta(A; B).

Details of the estimation process are returned in the parameters NCYCLES and LOGLIKELIHOOD. Initial values, lower and upper mixture parameter limits are set by the INITIAL, LOWER and UPPER options. Convergence can be controlled by a single tolerance for all three parameters or for each parameter separately using the TOLERANCE option, and the number of iterations by the MAXCYCLE option. A warning is printed when the parameter estimates imply a Beta or Gamma density which is unimodal rather than reverse J-shaped. The former would give rise to situations where Pr(H0/Da) > Pr(Ha/Da) for very small p.

Printed output is controlled by the PRINT option with settings:

    estimates for estimates of the parameters, and
    monitoring for monitoring information from the fitting process.

By default PRINT=estimates.

Graphical output is controlled by the PLOT option with settings:

    histogram for a plot of the fitted mixture against the histogram of probabilities,
    density for a plot of the fitted mixture against the kernel density estimate of the probabilities on a logit scale (this allows a more detailed comparison at small probability value),
    logdensity gives even greater detail, by putting the density on a log scale (note that greater variation is expected around small density values on the log scale),
    inference generates a plot of FDR, FRR and POWER against p, and
    loginference plots these statistics on log scales, restricted to p<0.5, with a background grid, to enable estimates to be read for specific probability values.

By default all the plots are produced.

The WINDOW option controls where the plots go and the KEYWINDOW option can be used to position the key in the inference plots.




In the context of hypothesis testing the false discovery rate, FDR, can be defined as the probability of H0 being true when the result of the statistical test leads us to accept Ha:

FDR = Prob(H0/Da).

By Bayes theorem

Prob(H0/Da) = Prob(Da/H0) × Prob(H0) / Prob(Da)


Prob(Da) = Prob(Da/H0) × Prob(H0) + Prob(Da/Ha) × Prob(Ha).

Further, in the context of multiple testing, where there are many p-values available, all the terms in these expressions can be derived by modelling the p-values as a 2-component mixture distribution. The p-values, under H0, have a Uniform density and, under Ha, can be modelled as a Beta or truncated Gamma density. The mixing proportions are Prob(H0) and Prob(Ha) respectively. Prob(Da/Ha) is CLBETA(p; A; B) or CLGAMMA(p; A; B). The False Rejection Rate,

FRR = Prob(Ha/Do)

is derived similarly. The posterior probability of Ha,

PostHa = Prob(Ha/p)

= Prob(p/Ha) × Prob(Ha) / (Prob(p/Ha) × Prob(Ha) + Prob(p/H0) × Prob(H0))

and each term is estimated by the mixture model parameters.

Action with RESTRICT

The PROBABILITIES parameter can be restricted. All output estimates will then be based only on those unrestricted units.


Allison, D.B., Gadbury. G.L., Heo, M., Fernandez, J.R., Lee, C.-K., Prolla, T.A., & Weindruch R. (2002). A mixture model approach for the analysis of microarray gene expression data. Computational Statistics & Data Analysis, 39, 1-16.

Storey J.D. & Tibshirani R. (2003). Statistical significance for genomewide studies. Proceedings of the National Academy of Science, 100, 9440-9445.

See also


Commands for: Microarray data.


SCALAR     ntests;   VALUE = 20000
SCALAR     seed;     VALUE =  1231
SCALAR     delta;    VALUE =   0.3
SCALAR     phi;      VALUE =  0.90
SCALAR     sampsize; VALUE =    50
" Create ntest data sets (rows), each of size sampsize (columns)."
GRANDOM    [NVALUES=1; SEED=seed] dum
POINTER    [NVALUES=sampsize] x
CALCULATE  x[] = GRNORMAL(ntests;0;1)
" Add an offset, delta, to a fraction, (1-phi), of the samples.
  Derive test statistic, z, for Test Ho: mean=0 against Ha:mean0
  and significance, p."
CALCULATE  nHa = ROUND(ntests * (1-phi))
&          nHo = ntests - nHa
VARIATE    [VALUES=#nHo(0),#nHa(delta)] vdelta
CALCULATE  xbar = vmean(x) + vdelta
&          t = ABS(xbar * SQRT(sampsize))
&          p = 2 * CUNORMAL(t; 0; 1)
" Derive FDR, FRR, Power, PostHa."
VARIATE    [VALUES=0.85,0.4,3.74] initb
           p; FDR=qvalues; FRR=frr; POWER=power; POSTHA=postha
Updated on March 8, 2019

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