Calculates accumulated heat units of a temperature dependent process (R.J. Reader, R.A. Sutherland & K. Phelps).
METHOD = string token |
Temperature/time relationship to be used (sawtooth , cosine , linsine , expsine ); default sawt |
LATITUDE = scalar |
Latitude at which temperatures were measured; default 52.205 N {Wellesbourne, U.K.} |
RATE = variate |
Value of rate relationship at cardinal temperatures |
TEMPERATURE = variate |
Cardinal temperatures |
PARAMETERS = variate |
Parameters a, b, c (a, c in hours) for the expsine method |
Minimum temperature on each day |
Maximum temperature on each day |
FIRSTDAY = scalars |
Day of year of first temperature recorded |
HEATUNITS = variates |
Development on each day |
calculates heat units accumulated each day by a process whose rate depends on temperature. The temperature is assumed to vary diurnally. The rate function is defined as a linear spline so that any relationship can be approximated by specifying a set of cardinal temperatures and corresponding rates.
option specifies the form of the diurnal temperature variation; this is derived from consecutive daily maximum and minimum temperatures according to methods compared by Reicosky et al. (1989). The LATITUDE
option should be set to the latitude (degrees) at which the maxima and minima were recorded (positive for the northern hemisphere and negative for the southern hemisphere). The RATE
options define the rate/temperature relationship. They specify variates of equal length, RATE
containing the rate of the process at the temperature of the corresponding unit of TEMPERATURE
option is a variate containing the values of the parameters a, b and c of the METHOD
The parameters MAXTEMP
contain the maximum and minimum temperatures on each day respectively. The FIRSTDAY
parameter specifies the day of the year of the first unit of the MAXTEMP
variates. The HEATUNITS
parameter returns the heat units accumulated on each day.
Options: METHOD
The integral of each segment of the rate/temperature relationship on each day is evaluated. These integrals are then added together. Further details are given by Reader & Phelps (1991).
Action with RESTRICT
None of the options or parameters of this procedure should be restricted as the maximum and minimum temperatures must be from consecutive days. Also they should not contain missing values, except for the first minimum and final maximum which are not used.
Reicosky, D.C., Winkelman, L.J., Baker, J.M. & Baker, D.G. (1989). Accuracy of hourly air temperatures calculated from daily minima and maxima. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 46, 193-209.
Reader, R.J. & Phelps, K. (1991). Modelling the development of temperature-dependent processes. Genstat Newsletter, 28, 27-32.
See also
Procedure: DAYLENGTH
Commands for: Calculations and manipulation.
CAPTION 'HEATUNITS example'; STYLE=meta SCALAR StartDate; VALUE=32 VARIATE [NVALUES=150] SoilMax[0,1,3],SoilMin[0,1,3] "Typical soil maxima and minima" READ SoilMax[0], SoilMin[0] 4.34 0.955 5.95 2.971 5.09 3.063 5.01 2.055 7.00 5.079 5.73 4.621 6.59 3.613 8.16 6.637 8.54 6.545 6.96 4.254 7.22 4.438 6.51 4.163 6.33 4.346 6.74 5.171 7.52 4.713 6.63 4.713 7.74 3.796 7.11 4.071 6.14 3.888 5.91 2.788 7.56 6.087 7.12 6.271 5.69 2.971 4.87 3.338 5.24 3.704 4.65 3.888 4.38 3.338 5.84 3.063 7.52 5.262 8.37 4.896 8.25 4.804 5.95 2.330 6.26 1.322 5.53 1.688 7.89 4.346 6.87 3.979 7.50 4.254 8.05 4.163 7.86 4.713 7.11 2.696 9.46 6.637 6.60 3.338 4.96 1.597 5.10 2.971 4.93 2.788 6.64 2.788 5.70 2.696 4.28 2.330 3.68 0.955 3.62 0.772 5.20 0.589 5.75 1.688 8.35 3.888 8.19 3.521 8.19 3.521 10.07 6.545 9.74 5.721 8.67 5.171 7.64 3.888 8.79 5.262 10.12 7.187 9.21 4.529 8.62 3.979 9.56 4.621 9.38 5.262 10.18 5.354 9.84 5.629 9.02 5.629 9.14 5.354 8.74 5.171 10.99 7.004 11.86 6.271 13.66 8.103 14.95 9.112 14.79 9.020 14.20 9.661 13.09 9.936 13.39 8.837 12.42 9.661 9.29 6.545 10.82 6.820 11.43 8.653 11.74 8.745 11.35 7.187 9.73 7.829 10.45 7.095 11.24 8.287 10.39 7.829 9.67 6.820 11.48 7.187 13.46 7.279 12.41 8.195 12.25 7.645 14.50 7.554 12.86 8.378 11.88 7.187 10.98 7.829 11.21 7.370 13.11 6.637 17.69 8.195 20.26 10.211 23.73 11.494 24.05 13.694 22.07 12.594 20.66 12.044 21.10 12.411 21.40 11.769 23.18 13.785 23.34 13.419 15.81 12.502 18.47 11.219 15.22 10.578 13.93 9.020 17.16 11.036 17.71 12.777 18.96 11.769 19.04 12.594 18.21 12.136 15.45 11.036 16.22 10.303 13.94 10.853 17.93 10.486 18.55 11.953 23.39 13.694 28.17 16.077 28.80 17.543 22.07 14.610 20.26 14.060 20.16 13.602 21.77 14.152 21.07 14.794 19.19 13.327 21.43 14.335 23.51 14.794 20.58 14.152 21.43 14.335 19.71 13.419 18.73 12.227 21.25 14.060 19.26 14.152 17.03 11.036 17.92 11.586 18.15 12.044 17.78 12.686 17.84 12.777 19.13 12.227 18.33 12.319 17.94 11.311 16.78 10.853 14.70 12.686: VARIATE Params,Dayno,Temperature;\ VALUES=!(2,1.75,3.5),!(32...181),!(7,9,12...30) "Approximate nonlinear late spring emergence rate equation by a linear spline" CALCULATE CRF = 0.592 + 2.2525 * EXP(-EXP(-0.274 *\ (Temperature - 12.49))) GRAPH [NROWS=20; TITLE=' Rate/Temperature relationship';\ YTITLE='Rate'; XTITLE='Temperature'] 2(!(0,#CRF,0));\ !(7,#Temperature,30); METHOD=line, point "Show effect of 1 or 3 degree rise in temperature on time of emergence of cabbage root fly" CALCULATE SoilMax[1, 3], SoilMin[1, 3] =\ 2(SoilMax[0], SoilMin[0]) + 1, 3 HEATUNITS [LATITUDE=52.205; METHOD=expsine; RATE=CRF;\ TEMPERATURE=Temperature; PARAMETERS=Params]\ MINTEMPERATURE=SoilMin[0,1,3]; MAXTEMPERATURE=SoilMax[0,1,3];\ FIRSTDAY=StartDate; HEATUNITS=Heatunits[0,1,3] "Restrict out missing values at start and end of variate\ before cumulating" RESTRICT Heatunits[]; Heatunits[] .NE. CONSTANTS('*') CALCULATE CHeatunits[0, 1, 3] = CUM(Heatunits[]) RESTRICT Heatunits[], CHeatunits[] RESTRICT CHeatunits[]; CHeatunits[].LE.100 GRAPH [NROWS=25; YLOWER=0; YUPPER=100;\ YTITLE='% Development'; XTITLE='Day of year';\ TITLE='Late spring emerging cabbage root fly larvae']\ CHeatunits[]; Dayno; METH=LINE; SYM='0', '1', '3';\ DESC='Actual Temperatures', ' + 1 degree', ' + 3 degrees' RESTRICT CHeatunits[]