Inserts new rows or columns either before or after the current position. New rows are initially filled with missing values (*). New columns may be initialized to any constant value; in vector and scalar spreadsheets new columns represent new data structures.
Note: The short cut key Ctrl+Shift+R lets you duplicate the current row.
Row before Current Row
Inserts a new row immediately before the current row.
Row after Current Row
Inserts a new row immediately after the current row.
Multiple Rows
Inserts any number of new rows using the Spreadsheet Add Multiple Rows dialog.
Column before Current Column
Inserts a new column immediately before the current column using the Create a New Column. For vector spreadsheets you can set the column name and type.
Column after Current Column
Inserts a new column immediately after the current column using the using the Create a New Column. For vector spreadsheets you can set the column name and type.
Multiple Columns
Inserts any number of new columns using the Spreadsheet Add Multiple Columns dialog.
Inserts new rows and columns containing data from the Clipboard, starting at the current cell. Clipboard data is inserted in new rows below this point, from the current column and to the right; if there are insufficient columns to the right of the current cell new columns will be created as required.
Blank sheet
Add a new sheet into the current workbook using the Create New Spreadsheet dialog.
See also
Create a New Column
Spreadsheet Add Multiple Columns
Spreadsheet Add Multiple Rows Resize Spreadsheet
Spread Menu Commands
Spreadsheet Toolbar
Genstat Spreadsheet Contents
Insert Table Margins
Creating a new spreadsheet