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Model Variogram Initial Values

Use this to specify initial values for model parameters when fitting models to variograms. The parameters listed will depend on the form of the variogram (isotropic or anisotropic) and the selected model. If any of the fields are left blank then the initial values will be determined automatically.

Isotropic model

For the spherical, pentaspherical, exponential, Gaussian, stable, circular, cubic, besselk1, cardinal sine and bounded linear models:

Range Specifies an initial value for the distance or range parameter.

For the double-spherical:

Range 1 Specifies an initial value for the first distance or range parameter.
Range 2 Specifies an initial value for the second distance or range parameter.

Geometrical anisotropic model

For the spherical, pentaspherical, exponential, Gaussian, stable, circular and cubic models:

Phi Specifies an initial value for the angle in radians of the direction of maximum variation.
Maximum range Specifies an initial value for the maximum distance or range parameter.
Minimum range Specifies an initial value for the minimum distance or range parameter.

For the power model:

Phi Specifies an initial value for the angle in radians of the direction of maximum variation.
Maximum gradient Specifies an initial value for the maximum gradient.
Minimum gradient Specifies an initial value for the minimum gradient.

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See also

Updated on July 10, 2019

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