Displays current SQL statements used to query the ODBC database. This dialog is activated if you have selected the View or Edit SQL Query option on the ODBC: Data Query Finish menu, or your SQL statement has an error and you have chosen to edit it rather than cancel the ODBC query.
Closes the dialog and runs the edited SQL statement.
Closes the dialog and run the original/unedited SQL statement.
Insert a table name into the current SQL statement at the current cursor position using the ODBC Insert Table/Column Name dialog.
Insert a column name into the current SQL statement at the current cursor position using the ODBC Insert Table/Column Name dialog.
Restores the SQL statement to what was originally in the edit window.
Save edited text
If this is ticked, then after clicking Save, and the SQL statement completes, you will be prompted to save the query to a GDB file.
See also
SQL Statements
ODBC Databases
Create New Database Table from Spreadsheet
Insert Spreadsheet into Database
Merge Spreadsheet into Database
Run ODBC Export Link (GLK) file
Spreadsheet Export Menu
Spreadsheet Add Data Menu
Spreadsheet New Menu
Using ODBC with 64bit Windows
DBIMPORT procedure
DBEXPORT procedure