It is possible to use a 64-bit version of Genstat with 32-bit ODBC, but the connectivity is only available with the DBIMPORT and DBEXPORT procedures in the server using the file ODBCLoad.EXE which is installed with the 32-bit version of Genstat.
Reading 32-bit ODBC data into 64-bit Genstat
You will need to provide either 32-bit GDB file or a 32-bit data source name (DSN) to DBIMPORT and set the option DRIVER=32.
1. Use the 32-bit version of Genstat to create a GDB file. How to create a GWB file is explained in the help page ODBC Databases.
2. Set the GDBFILE parameter of DBIMPORT to this file created in step 1. If you do not want to use the GDB file, you can open the GDB file with a text editor and the second line of the file is the DSN needed for the DB parameter of DBIMPORT. Make sure you set the DBIMPORT option DRIVER=32. When creating the DB text in the Genstat text editor you may want to break the text onto several lines using the continuation character. Also you will need to add an extra backslash along side any directory backslash in the strings (i.e. C:Program FilesGen15edDataCardata.mdb will need to become C:\Program Files\Gen15ed\Data\Cardata.mdb) to avoid the folder or file names from being truncated. The window below shows a text for the DB parameter set up in a Genstat command file.
Writing 32-bit ODBC data from 64-bit Genstat
You will need to provide either 32-bit GLK file or a 32-bit data source name (DSN) to DBEXPORT and set the option DRIVER=32.
- Use the 32-bit version of Genstat to create a GLK file. How to create a GLK file is explained in the help page Merge Spreadsheet into Database. Alternatively you could create a GDB file as explained in ODBC Databases.
- Set the GLKFILE option of DBEXPORT to this GLK file created in step 1. If you do not want to use the GLK file, you can open the either a GLK or GDB file with a text editor and the second line of the file is the DSN needed for the DB parameter of DBEXPORT. Make sure you set the DBEXPORT option DRIVER=32.
The approach above will also work for 64-bit ODBC drivers but the DRIVER option and DSN string must match the version (32 or 64-bit) of the ODBC driver to work.
See also
- Using ODBC with 64-bit Windows
- DBIMPORT procedure
- DBEXPORT procedure
- ODBC Databases
- SQL Statements
- ODBC Data Query – Select Data
- Create New Database Table from Spreadsheet
- Insert Spreadsheet into Database
- Merge Spreadsheet into Database
- Run ODBC Export Link (GLK) file
- Spreadsheet Export Menu
- Spreadsheet Add Menu
- Spreadsheet New Menu