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PDESIGN procedure

Prints or stores treatment combinations tabulated by the block factors (R.W. Payne).


PRINT = string token Controls the printing of the design (design); default desi
BLOCKSTRUCTURE = formula Defines the block factors for the design; the default is to take those specified by the BLOCKSTRUCTURE directive
TREATMENTSTRUCTURE = formula Defines the treatment factors for each design; the default is to take those specified by the TREATMENTSTRUCTURE directive
TABLES = pointer Contains tables to store the tabulated factor values for printing outside the procedure in some other format
FREPRESENTATION = string token How to represent the factor values (labels, levels); default leve

No parameters


PDESIGN allows the treatment combinations allocated to each plot in a design to be displayed as tables, classified by the block factors.

By default, the combinations are represented using the levels of the treatment factors. If any factor also has labels these are printed alongside the levels, as a key, after the tables. The levels are printed in formats that are determined automatically in a way that avoids wasted space or unnecessary decimal places. Alternatively, if you set option FREPRESENTATION=labels, the labels are displayed in the table, instead of the levels.

The block factors are obtained from the block structure of the design, which can be specified explicitly using the BLOCKSTRUCTURE option; otherwise PDESIGN will use any structure that has already been defined by a BLOCKSTRUCTURE statement earlier in the job. Similarly, the treatment factors are obtained either from the TREATMENTSTRUCTURE option of the procedure, or from an earlier TREATMENTSTRUCTURE statement.

If the display produced by the procedure is unsuitable, printing can be suppressed by setting option PRINT=* (by default PRINT=design), and the tables of treatment levels can be saved for printing outside the procedure by setting the TABLES option to a pointer. This will be returned with an element for each treatment factor, pointing to a table classified by the block factors and storing the tabulated levels of the treatment.


Parameters: none.


The FCLASSIFICATION directive is used to form lists of factors from the block or treatment formulae and, if the block factors do not supply a unique combination of levels for every unit of the design, procedure AFUNITS is used to form a factor to index the units with each combination. Each treatment factor is then copied into a variate and TABULATE is used to put the values into a table classified by the block factors. Numbers of decimal places for printing the factor levels are determined using the DECIMALS procedure. When FREPRESENTATION=labels, the TLABELS parameter of PRINT is used to display the labels within the table.

Action with RESTRICT

If any of the factors is restricted, only the part of the design not excluded by the restriction will be displayed.

See also


Commands for: Design of experiments.


CAPTION   'PDESIGN example',\
          '1) Randomized block design in 3 blocks each of 4 plots';\ 
FACTOR    [LEVELS=3; VALUES=4(1...3)] Blocks
&         [LEVELS=4; VALUES=(1...4)3] Plots,Treat
CAPTION   '2) 4x4 latin square'
FACTOR    [LEVELS=4; VALUES=4(1...4)] Rows
&         [VALUES=(1...4)4] Columns
FACTOR    [LABELS=!T('A','B','C','D'); \
          VALUES=1,2,3,4, 2,3,4,1, 3,4,1,2, 4,1,2,3] Treat
CAPTION   '3) A partially confounded factorial experiment (ANOVA Example 7)'
FACTOR    [NVALUES=32; LEVELS=8] Blocks; VALUES=!(4(1...8))
&         [LEVELS=2; LABELS=!T(O,N)] Nitrogen
&         [LABELS=!t(O,K)] K20
&         [LABELS=!t(O,D)] Dung
READ      Nitrogen,K20,Dung ; FREPRESENTATION=labels
 O O O   N K O   N O D   O K D       N O O   O K O   O O D   N K D
 N O O   O K O   N O D   O K D       O O O   O O D   N K O   N K D
 N O O   O O D   N K O   O K D       O O O   O K O   N O D   N K D
 O K O   O O D   N K O   N O D       O O O   N O O   O K D   N K D  :
BLOCKS     Blocks
TREATMENTS Nitrogen * K20 * Dung
Updated on March 6, 2019

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