Select menu: Help | Procedure Source
Use this to view the source code for any of the procedures that are supplied with Genstat. The standard release of Genstat includes a procedure library which contains procedures contributed not only by the writers of Genstat but also by users of Genstat around the world. To view the source code for a procedure within a text window either double-click on an item within the list or select an item and click the Open button. Help can be viewed for a procedure by selecting the command from the list and clicking on the help button.
- From the menu select Help | Procedure Source.
- To view the source code for a procedure either double-click an item within the list or select an item and click Open.
- To view the help for a procedure select an item from the list then click the help
Look for
Lets you enter the name of the procedure to be opened. When text is entered into this field the list of available examples will scroll to select an example that matches the specified text.
Filter by topic
Provides a list of topics/modules that can be used to refine the search. If you are searching for a procedure for a specific type of analysis you can select the topic from the list and the procedures will only be displayed related to that topic.
This will open the selected example within a text window.
See also
- Procedures for a description of a Genstat procedure.
- Example Analysis Programs for examples of different types of analysis.
- Example Command Programs for examples of different types of analysis.