Performs quantile normalization (D.B. Baird).
PRINT = string token |
What to print (summary ); default summ |
PLOT = string tokens |
What to plot (cdf , histogram , ncdf , nhistogram ); default hist , nhis |
METHOD = string token |
Whether to use means, medians or geometric means for the averaged normalized distribution (means , medians , geometricmeans ); default mean |
ARRANGEMENT = string token |
Whether to use trellis or single plots for PLOT=cdf or ncdf (single , trellis ); default trel |
DEVICE = scalar |
Device number on which to plot the graphs |
What graphics filename template to use to save the graphs; default * |
DATA = variates or pointers |
Data values |
GROUPS = factors or texts |
Groupings of the data values, or descriptions of the variates in the pointer |
NEWDATA = variates or pointers |
Saves the normalized values; if this is unset, they replace the original values in DATA |
performs quantile normalization. This transforms the data so that each group has a common cumulative density function. The data values are specified by the DATA
parameter. They can be in a single variate, with groupings specified by the GROUPS
parameter. Alternatively, they can be in a pointer to separate variates, one for each group. The GROUPS
parameter can be set to a text to describe the variates. The normalized values can be saved using the NEWDATA
parameter. If this is not set, they replace the values in the DATA
option selects the way in which the overall distribution is produced from the cumulative density functions within each group, with settings:
means |
takes the means; |
medians |
takes the medians; and |
geometricmeans |
takes geometric means (i.e. the mean on the log scale, back-transformed to the natural scale). |
option controls what plots are produced: histograms or cumulative density plots of the original or normalized data. By default the plots for the groups are displayed in a trellis arrangement, but you can set option ARRANGEMENT=single
to display them separately, in single plots. You can use the DEVICE
option to plot to a device other than the screen. The GRAPHICSFILE
option specifies then supplies a template for the file names.
By default a summary is produced, giving quantiles by groups. This can be suppressed by putting option PRINT=*
Options: PRINT
Parameters: DATA
Action with RESTRICT
Any restrictions on the DATA
variates are removed.
See also
Commands for: Calculations and manipulation, Microarray data.
CAPTION 'QNORMALIZE example',\ 'Expression values from 9 Arabidopis Slides'; STYLE=meta,plain ENQUIRE CHANNEL=-1; EXIST=check; NAME=\ '%GENDIR%/Data/Microarrays/Hyb-PM_MM.gwb' IF check SPLOAD '%GENDIR%/Data/Microarrays/Hyb-PM_MM.gwb' CALCULATE log2PM = log(PM)/Log(2) DELETE [REDEFINE=yes] Atoms,PM,MM " Do normalization on just three slides for speed " SUBSET [!T('hyb1191','hyb1192','hyb1193');SETLEVELS=yes]\ Slides,Probes,log2PM " Quantile Normalization for 1 Channel Microarray Data." QNORMALIZE [PRINT=summary; PLOT=histogram,cdf,nhistogram; METHOD=means;\ ARRANGEMENT=single] DATA=log2PM; GROUPS=Slides; NEWDATA=nPM ELSE CAPTION 'Microarray example datasets have not been installed.' ENDIF