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  2. Generating a Random Subset

Generating a Random Subset

This menu takes a random subset of rows from the current spreadsheet and uses these to form a new spreadsheet. A weighted sample can be drawn, with or without replacement.

  1. From the menu select Spread | Calculate | Random Subset.


  2. Enter the number of random samples or select the % checkbox to specify a percentage of rows.
  3. Set other options as required or leave them at their defaults then click OK.
Number of samples Specify the number of random samples to be used. Alternatively, you can provide a percentage of the number of rows to be used by selecting the % option. Note: if Sample with replacement is selected, then the number of samples must be less than the number or rows in the spreadsheet (or 100%).
Sample with replacement Specifies that at each random selection of a row, all the available rows are eligible for selection. If this option is not selected then only the rows that have not been previously selected are eligible for selection.
Weighting If a column in the dropdown list is selected, then the values in the selected column will be used in a weighted random sample. The default is the setting, where all rows have equal chance of being selected. Rows with a weight value ≤ 0 will not be included in the random sample.
Seed Specify an integer value to start the randomization. If a value of * is given for the seed, a value from the computer’s clock will be used
Create unique column names Columns in the spreadsheet will have new names generated for them so that they are unique. If this option is not selected the columns will have the same names as the original spreadsheet.
Randomize rows Rows in the resulting spreadsheet will be sorted into a random order.
Add to book Any open spreadsheets will be displayed in this dropdown list. Select a spreadsheet to create a new sheet in your book or leave it at the default setting New book to create a new workbook.
Updated on May 17, 2019

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