The check boxes in this menu allow you to select various types of plot of residuals from a REML analysis:
Fitted values | Residuals versus fitted values |
Normal | Normal plot |
Half-Normal | Half-Normal plot |
Histogram | Historgram of residuals |
Method for residuals
The list allows selection from type of residuals that can be used.
Combine all random terms | Use the residuals combined from all random terms. |
Final random term only | Use the residuals from the final random term. |
Standardized residuals from all random terms | Uses standardized residuals after combining them from all random terms. |
Standardized residuals from final random term only | Uses standardized residuals from the final random term. |
Combine all random terms, excluding spline terms | Use the residuals combined from all random terms except spline terms. |
See also
- VPLOT procedure for plotting residuals
- VFRESIDUALS procedure to calculate standardized residuals