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Generate a Doubly Resolvable Row-Column Design Store Options

Use this to save results from forming a doubly resolvable row-column design in Genstat data structures. After selecting the appropriate boxes, type the names for the identifiers of the data structures into the corresponding In: fields. The options to display these in a spreadsheet or save these to disk are in the menu or the options dialog.


Treatments Factor The treatments assigned to each plot
Row replicates Factor The plots which belong together in the row replicates
Column replicates Factor The plots which belong together in the column replicates
Rows Factor The row that each plot belongs to
Columns Factor The column that each plot belongs to
Plot numbers Factor Plot numbers assigned to the array of rows and columns
Exit code Scalar The exit code from the search for a design (0 if successful)

See also

Updated on February 24, 2021

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