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Calculate Row Summary

Select menu: Spread | Calculate | Row Summaries

Use this to calculate row summaries within a spreadsheet. Row summaries can be calculated for all variate or factor columns within a spreadsheet.

  1. After you have imported your data, from the menu select 
    Spread | Calculate | Row Summaries.
  2. Fill in the fields as required then click OK.

Columns to summarize

Lists the type of columns that can be used in forming the row summaries.

All numeric columns All variate and factor columns within the spreadsheet
All variate columns All variate columns within the spreadsheet
All factor columns All factor columns within the spreadsheet
Selected columns The currently selected columns within the spreadsheet.
This option is only available when a spreadsheet contains selected columns.
Columns in pointer The columns belonging to a pointer defined within the spreadsheet.
This option is only available when a spreadsheet contains pointers.
Use the Spread | Sheet | Create pointers menu to define pointers in the spreadsheet.

Row summary to calculate

The following lists the statistics that can be calculated for each row along with the equivalent function that could be used to perform the same calculation using the CALCULATE directive in the command language.

Statistic Description Genstat Command
Sum/Total The sum/total of the values in the row VTOTALS/VSUMS function
Mean/Average The mean of the values in the row VMEANS function
Standard deviation The standard deviation of the values in the row VSD function
Variance The variance of the values in the row VVARIANCES function
Standard error of Means The standard error of the row mean VSEMEANS function
Median The median value in the row VMEDIANS function
Maxima The maximum value in the row VMAXIMA function
Minima The minimum value in the row VMINIMA function
Range The range of the values in the row VRANGE function
No. of Observations The number of non missing values VNOBSERVATIONS function
Percentile The percentile of the values in the row (the percentage should be supplied in the space provided) VPERCENTILES function
Quantile The quantile of values in the row (the probability should be supplied in the space provided) VQUANTILES function
Position The position of a value in the row (the value to find in each row should be supplied in the space provided.
This can be the name of another column in the spreadsheet or a number.)
No. of Missing Values The number of missing values (*) VNMV function
No. of Values The number of columns VNVALUES function
Skewness The skewness of the values VSKEWNESS function
Kurtosis The kurtosis of the values VKURTOSIS function

Percentage (%) (for summary type Percentile only)

A percentage between 0 and 100% for the calculation of the percentile. Percentages of 0, 25, 50 75, and 100 correspond to the minimum, lower quartile, median, upper quartile and maximum data value respectively.

Probability (for summary type Quantile only)

A probability between 0 and 1 for the calculation of the quantile. Probabilities of 0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75 and 1 correspond to the minimum, lower quartile, median, upper quartile and maximum data value respectively.

Find value (for summary type Position only)

The value to find in each row. This can be the name of a variate or a number.

Save in

The column name to contain the row summaries.

Add summary column to sheet

Add the calculated column to the current spreadsheet.

Action buttons

OK Calculate the column containing the row summaries and close the dialog.
Cancel Close the dialog.
Apply Calculate the column containing the row summaries and leave the dialog open.

See also

Updated on March 14, 2019

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