Use this to set options for fitting distributions or models to species abundance data.
Specifies the output to be displayed.
Summary | Summary of the analysis. |
Estimates | Displays estimates of the parameters. |
Fitted values | Displays the fitted values. |
Log base for octaves
Controls the log base used for forming the octaves for the log series, Poisson log-normal and negative binomial distributions. You can choose between base 2 (representing doubling in species abundance) or base 10.
Specifies the plots to be displayed.
Fitted abundance | Plot of fitted model or distribution. |
Rank abundance | Plot of fitted model on a rank/abundance plot. This is only available for the geometric series, Zipf and Zipf-Mandelbrot models. |
See also
- Species Abundance Models menu
- Species Abundance Models Save Options menu
- ECFIT procedure
- Species Abundance Plots menu