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TCOMBINE procedure

Combines several tables into a single table (D.B. Baird).


FACTOR = factor Supplies a factor to index the old tables in the new tables; if unset, an unnamed factor is used
LEVELS = variate Allows levels to be supplied for the new factor
LABELS = text Allows labels to be supplied for the new factor


OLDTABLES = pointers Each pointer supplies a set of tables to be combined
NEWTABLE = tables Table to save each combined set of tables
FACVALUES = variates or texts Values for the new factor, to indicate how the old tables should be ordered in the new table, or to allow some old tables to be omitted (available only when either LEVELS or LABELS are specified); default assumes that old tables are supplied for all the levels, in ascending level order
OLDDECIMALS = scalars, tables or pointers Defines numbers of decimal places for the cells in the combined table contributed by each old table
NEWDECIMALS = tables Saves tables to define the number of decimal places to use when printing each new table


This procedure can be used to produce a new table by combining several tables together. The tables to be combined must be specified, in a pointer, by the OLDTABLES parameter. These must all have the same set of classifying factors, and must either all have margins, or all be without margins.

The new, combined table is saved by the NEWTABLE parameter. This will be classified by the same factors as the original tables, together with an additional factor to index the OLDTABLES. You can use the FACTOR option to specify an identifier for the new factor. If FACTOR is not set, an unnamed factor is used. (So, this will not have an identifier for you refer to.) However, its “extra” attribute is set to 'Tables', so that this label will appear as the title of the new dimension when the table is printed. (For more details, see the description of the EXTRA parameter of the FACTOR directive.)

You can use the LEVELS option to supply a variate of levels for the new factor, and the LABELS option to provide a text of labels. If neither LEVELS or LABELS is set, TCOMBINE uses the identifiers of the tables in the first OLDTABLES pointer as labels, and uses the standard default for the levels (i.e. integers 1, 2 etc). The OLDTABLES pointers must then contain the same number of tables, all in the same order.

Alternatively, provided one of LEVELS or LABELS has been set, you can use the FACVALUES parameter to indicate that an OLDTABLES pointer is either incomplete or in a different order. To use the levels, you set FACVALUES to a variate with a value for each table in the corresponding OLDTABLES pointer, defining the level of the new factor to which it should be allocated. Similarly, you can set FACVALUES to a text use the factor labels. Any level (or label) that is not included in a set of FACVALUES will generate a “slice” of missing values in the new table.

To print the new table effectively, you may find that different number of decimal places are needed for the cells arising from each of the old tables. For example, one of the old tables may have contained means (requiring several decimal places) while another may have contained the numbers observations uised to calculate each of the means (requiring no decimal places). When you print a table using the PRINT directive, you can set the DECIMALS parameter to a table (with identical classifying factors) to define a different number of decimals for every table cell. You can save a suitable table of decimals using the NEWDECIMALS parameter of TCOMBINE. By default TCOMBINE decides on the number of decimals to use for each old table by looking at its decimals attribute. (This can be set by the DECIMALS parameter of the TABLE directive.) Alternatively, you can define your own numbers of decimals using the OLDDECIMALS parameter. Usually you will want to set this to a pointer containing, for each old table, either a scalar (if you want to use the same number of decimals for all its cells) or a table (if you want to specify different ones) However, if you want to use the same decimals for every old table, you can specify a single scalar or a single table instead.



See also

Directives: COMBINE, TABLE.

Commands for: Calculations and manipulation.


CAPTION   'Example of how to use procedure TCOMBINE.'; STYLE=major
SPLOAD    '%GenDir%/Data/Grazing.gsh'
CALCULATE Gain_Lwt = Final_Lwt - Initial_Lwt
TABULATE  [PRINT=*;CLASS=Treatment,Period] Initial_Lwt,Final_Lwt,Gain_Lwt;\
          MEANS=MeanI,MeanF,MeanG; SD=SDI,SDF,SDG
TEXT      [VALUES=Mean,'Standard Deviation'] SLabels
TEXT      [VALUES=Initial,Final,Gain] VLabels 
          !p(MeanI,MeanF,MeanG),!p(SDI,SDF,SDG); NEWTABLE=Temptab[1,2];\
          OLDDECIMALS=1,2; NEWDECIMALS=Tempdec[1,2]
TCOMBINE  [FACTOR=Statistic; LABELS=SLabels]\ 
          Temptab; NEWTABLE=LwtTable; OLDDECIMALS=Tempdec; NEWDECIMALS=Dec
PRINT     LwtTable; DECIMALS=Dec
Updated on March 5, 2019

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