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UNSTACK procedure

Splits vectors into individual vectors according to levels of a factor (R.W. Payne).


DATASET = factor Factor identifying the unstacked data sets
IDSTACKED = factors Factors identifying how the units of the unstacked data sets should be matched
IDUNSTACKED = factors Factors defined to identify these units in the unstacked vectors
MVINCLUDE = strings Which missing values to include (datasets, idstacked); default * i.e. none


STACKEDVECTOR = variates, factors or texts Vectors to be unstacked
DATASETINDEX = scalars or texts Level or label of the DATASET factor indicating the group whose units are to be stored in the UNSTACKEDVECTOR; default takes the levels of DATASET one at a time (and then recycling this list to match the other parameters)
UNSTACKEDVECTOR = variates, factors or texts Unstacked vectors


UNSTACK allows you to split up (or unstack) vectors into individual vectors. The contents of the individual vectors are determined by a factor, specified by the DATASET option. In the simplest case, each original (stacked) vector is split into several new (unstacked) vectors, one for each level of DATASET. The process assumes that the sets are “replicate” sets of data. For example DATASET might correspond to days on which identical sampling schemes were followed. In the most straightforward case, each set contains the same number of observations all stored in an identical order. However, if the observations are in different orders or if some are absent in some of the sets, you can use the IDSTACKED option to specify one or more factors to identify the matching observations within the sets. The IDUNSTACKED option then allows you to save new factors to indicate where the observations are stored in the new (unstacked) vectors. The unstacked vectors are all of the same length, and missing values are inserted for absent observations.

The MVINCLUDE option controls the inclusion of missing values in the unstacked vectors, with the following settings:

    idstacked includes units with missing values for levels of the IDSTACKED factors that do not occur in the data set (otherwise these are omitted), and
    datasets stacked vectors that correspond to data set indexes that do not occur in the data are defined and filled with missing values (otherwise these are left undeclared, and a warning is given).

By default none of these are included.

There are three parameters. STACKEDVECTOR lists the vectors (variates, factors or texts) that are to be split up. DATASETINDEX specifies a level of the DATASET factor for each member of the STACKEDVECTOR list, and UNSTACKEDVECTOR specifies a new vector to store the units of the STACKEDVECTOR corresponding to that DATASETINDEX. So, for example

UNSTACK [DATASET=Days] 5(Weight,Height);\



would put the weight measurements made on days 1-5 into W1, W2, W3, W4 and W5, respectively, and the height measurements into H1, H2, H3, H4 and H5. (The construct 5(Weight,Height) is equivalent to typing Weight five times and then Day five times, and the DATASETINDEX list 1,2,3,4,5 is repeated twice so that it matches the lengths of the other parameter lists.) This method of specification means that you are free to list the vectors and levels in whatever order is most convenient. For example

UNSTACK [DATASET=Days] (Weight,Height)5;\



lists them in group order rather one stacked vector at a time. If DATASETINDEX is not specified, the levels of DATASET are taken in order one at a time (and recycled if necessary).




The vectors are unstacked using the standard Genstat manipulation commands, including SUBSET and EQUATE.

Action with RESTRICT

Any restrictions on the vectors are ignored.

See also

Directive: EQUATE.

Procedures: JOIN, STACK, SUBSET.

Commands for: Calculations and manipulation.


CAPTION  'UNSTACK example'; STYLE=meta
FACTOR   [LEVELS=31; VALUES=1...31,1...30] Day
FACTOR   [LABELS=!t(March,April); VALUES=31(1),30(2)] Month
VARIATE  [NVALUES=61] Rainfall,Temperature
READ     Rainfall,Temperature
  2.7 11.7  2.9  7.6  1.7  8.0  4.2  9.4  4.1  3.7
  0.2 11.4  2.5  6.3  3.0 11.9  0.3  4.5  0.6 10.4
  3.0 11.3  0.3  7.3  4.2 12.0  2.5 10.0  3.9  9.0
  1.2  4.6  1.4  5.7  3.7 11.8  2.9 11.9  2.7 10.4
  0.9  3.0  4.7 10.4  3.5  6.0  3.4  9.2  3.3  5.6
  4.8  7.5  1.9 11.7  0.9 10.3  1.1  3.4  0.2  5.7
  1.0  4.1  0.1  6.0  3.2 11.0  0.6  4.4  1.2 11.2
  1.7  9.1  1.4  3.6  3.1  8.2  3.0  9.7  0.9  7.3
  1.8  3.6  3.7 12.5  3.9  7.9  1.4  9.3  4.6 12.2
  0.8  4.6  1.9  5.8  3.1  8.8  3.6 11.5  2.8  8.4
  2.8 11.7  0.3  6.1  4.5  4.5  4.2  6.2  1.6 12.5
  2.7  5.8  2.7  5.5  2.7  9.6  1.8  5.8  0.4  9.1
  0.8  3.6  :
PRINT    Month,Day,Rainfall,Temperature; DECIMALS=0,0,1,1
         2(Rainfall,Temperature); DATASETINDEX='March','April';\
PRINT    Nday,MarchRain,AprilRain,MarchTemp,AprilTemp; DECIMALS=0,4(1)
Updated on June 17, 2019

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