Copies information from a REML
analysis into Genstat data structures.
RESIDUALS = variate |
Residuals from the analysis |
FITTEDVALUES = variate |
Fitted values from the analysis |
SIGMA2 = scalar |
Variance component for the lowest stratum |
VCOVARIANCE = symmetric matrix |
Variance-covariance matrix for the estimates of the variance components |
VESTIMATES = variate |
Saves a vector of all parameters in the variance model |
VARESTIMATES = symmetric matrix |
Variance-covariance matrix for the parameters in the variance model (as saved by VESTIMATES ) |
VLABELS = text |
Vector of text labels for the VESTIMATES and VARESTIMATES structures |
MVESTIMATES = variate |
Estimates of missing values |
MVSE = variate |
Standard errors of missing-value estimates |
MVUNITS = variate |
Unit numbers of missing values |
ALLEFFECTS = variate |
Full set of estimated fixed and random effects |
ALLVCOVARIANCE = symmetric matrix |
Variance-covariance matrix for the full set of fixed and random effects not associated with the absorbing factor |
DEVIANCE = scalar |
Residual deviance from fitting the full fixed model |
DF = scalar |
Residual degrees of freedom after fitting the full fixed model |
SUBDEVIANCE = scalar |
Residual deviance after fitting the submodel of the fixed model |
SUBDF = scalar |
Residual degrees of freedom after fitting the submodel of the fixed model |
RSS = scalar |
Residual sum of squares from fitting the FIXED model by general least squares with a covariance matrix derived from the estimated variance components |
INDEX = variate |
Index of units included in the analysis |
MODELS = pointer |
Pointer to formulae giving the fixed, random, spline and residual terms fitted |
RMATRIX = pointer |
Saves details of the covariance model fitted to the residual |
RMETHOD = string token |
Which random terms to use when calculating RESIDUALS (final , all , notspline ); default uses the setting from the REML statement |
CFORMAT = string token |
Whether the covariance matrices or the parameters are saved for a COVARIANCEMODEL (variancematrices , parameters ); default vari |
UVCOVARIANCE = symmetric matrix |
Unit-by-unit variance-covariance matrix |
DFFIXED = scalar |
Number of degrees of freedom in the fixed model |
DFRANDOM = scalar |
Number of degrees of freedom in the random model |
FMETHOD = string token |
Controls how to calculate F-statistics for fixed terms (automatic , none , algebraic , numerical ); default auto |
WMETHOD = string token |
Controls which Wald statistics are saved (add , drop ); default drop |
WORKSPACE = scalar |
Saves the workspace setting that was used in the REML command |
YVARIATE = dummy |
Dummy to be set to the y-variate of the analysis |
EXIT = scalar |
Exit status of the fit (0 if successful) |
SAVE = REML save structure |
Save structure from the required analysis; default * takes the save structure from the latest REML statement |
TERMS = formula |
Terms for which information is to be saved |
COMPONENTS = scalars |
Estimated variance components |
Saves details of the covariance model fitted to a random term |
MEANS = tables |
Table of predicted means for each term |
SEDMEANS = symmetric matrices |
Standard errors of differences between the predicted means |
VARMEANS = symmetric matrices |
Variance-covariance matrix of the means |
EFFECTS = tables |
Table of estimated regression coefficients for each term |
SEDEFFECTS = symmetric matrices |
Standard errors of differences between the estimated parameters of each term |
VAREFFECTS = symmetric matrices |
Variance-covariance matrix of the effects of a term |
DESIGNMATRIX = matrices |
Saves the design matrix for the term |
SPLBLUP = pointers |
Best linear unbiased predictors for spline terms, saved in a pointer with a variate for each combination of the levels of the factors in the term |
SPLDESIGN = pointers |
Design matrices (Z) for spline terms, saved in a pointer with a matrix for each combination of the levels of the factors in the term |
SPLX = pointers |
Knot points for spline terms, saved in a pointer with a variate for each combination of the levels of the factors in the term |
SPLSMOOTH = pointers |
Smoothing parameters estimated for spline terms, saved in a pointer with a scalar for each combination of the levels of the factors in the term |
CADJUSTMENT = scalars |
For a term involving covariates, saves the adjustment made to its values during the analysis |
WALD = scalars |
Wald statistic (fixed terms only) |
FSTATISTIC = scalars |
F statistics (fixed terms only) |
NDF = scalars |
Numerator d.f. (fixed terms only) |
DDF = scalars |
Denominator d.f. (fixed terms only) |
directive is used to copy results from a REML
analysis into Genstat data structures. Genstat automatically stores the save structure for the last y-variate that was analysed using REML
, and by default this save structure provides the information for VKEEP
. Alternatively, you can save the information from a REML
analysis in a save structure using the SAVE
parameter in the REML
directive, then access the information by specifying the same structure in the SAVE
option of VKEEP
Overall information from the analysis is saved using the options of VKEEP
, while the parameters are used to save information for specific model terms. The terms (fixed, random or a mixture) for which you require information are defined by a formula using the TERMS
parameter. The other parameters can then be used to specify structures for saving information for each of the model terms.
are used to specify variates to hold the residuals and fitted values, which are defined according to the setting of the RMETHOD
option, as for the REML
directive. The residual variance can be stored in a scalar using option SIGMA2
The variance-covariance matrix for the estimates of the variance component can be saved using the VCOVARIANCE
option. (The estimates themselves are saved using the COMPONENTS
parameter, as described below.)
option is used to save a variate containing all the variance parameters estimated in the model. The VARESTIMATES
option can supply a symmetric matrix to save the variance-covariance matrix for the estimates of the variance parameters, matching the ordering and contents of VESTIMATES
. The vector of labels for these parameters can be saved the VLABELS
option. The ALLEFFECTS
option allows you to save the full set of fixed and random effects, excluding those in the absorbing factor model, and the ALLVCOVARIANCE
option can be used to store their variance-covariance matrix. This matrix will often be very large, and is useful only for looking at covariances between effects associated with different model terms, since the variance-covariance matrices for individual model terms can be stored using the VAREFFECTS
parameter. The unit-by-unit variance-covariance matrix can be saved using the UVCOVARIANCE
option (and this may be even larger). This uses the random and residual terms, but not spline terms. It cannot be formed if the model contains sparse inverse covariance matrices, for example from VPEDIGREE
option can save a variate containing estimates of the missing values, the MVSE
option saves their standard errors, and the MVUNITS
option saves a list of the units that are missing.
The residual deviance from fitting the full fixed model or the submodel can be saved using options DEVIANCE
respectively, and the associated residual degrees of freedom can be saved using options DF
. The degrees of freedom fitted by the (full) fixed model can be saved by the DFFIXED
option, and the degrees of freedom in the random model can be saved by the DFRANDOM
option. The RSS
option can save the residual sum of squares from fitting the fixed model by generalized least squares.
option saves an index of the units that were included in the the analysis. (This will depend on the patterns of missing values, if any, and the setting of the MVINCLUDE
option of REML
option can be used to save a pointer, with labels 'Fixed'
, 'Spline'
, 'Random'
and 'Residual'
, containing formulae for the model terms fitted as fixed, spline, random or residual terms. The labels can be specified in either lower or upper case, or any mixture. The YVARIATE
option can be set to a dummy to point to the variate that was analysed (i.e. the variate defined by the Y
parameter of REML
The formula specified by the TERMS
parameter is expanded to give a series of model terms. The other parameters of VKEEP
are taken in parallel with these terms. The string 'Constant'
can be used within the formula to save structures associated with the constant term.
parameter allows you to save the estimated variance component for each random term in the TERMS
list. Details of the covariance model fitted to each random term can be saved using the COVARIANCEMODEL
parameter. The information is saved in a pointer. The contents of the pointer depend upon the complexity of the covariance model fitted and the setting of the CFORMAT
parameter. First we consider the default setting: CFORMAT=variancematrices
. If no covariance model has been fitted, the pointer will have two elements for the scalar (variance component) and the covariance matrix (identity – a diagonal matrix with number of rows equal to the number of levels of the term). If a covariance model has been fitted, the component matrices used to construct the model will be saved. The full covariance matrix can then be generated by taking a direct product of the component matrices and multiplying by the scalar. Alternatively, if CFORMAT=parameters,
the pointer contains the component parameters of the model. The RMATRIX
option provides an alternative way of saving the covariance model fitted to the residual term.
Tables of means for each term can be saved using the MEANS
parameter, and standard errors of differences between the means are saved by SEDMEANS
. You can also save the estimated variance-covariance matrix for the means of each term using parameter VARMEANS
For example, you can save table of means and variance-covariance matrices of the means for terms A
and B
, by the command
VKEEP A+B; MEANS=MeanA,MeanB; VARMEANS=VarmeanA,VarmeanB
and MeanB
will then be tables containing predicted means for factors A
and B
, and VarmeanA
and VarmeanB
will be symmetric matrices containing the variances and covariances between the table cells.
parameter is used to save tables of estimated parameters. A symmetric matrix of the standard errors of differences between the effects of each term can be saved using parameter SEDEFFECTS
, and the estimated variance-covariance matrix for the parameters can be saved using parameter VAREFFECTS
parameter saves the design matrix used to fit the effects of each term.
You can save details of splines that have been fitted for each term using the SPLBLUP
parameters. The information is saved in pointers with an element for each combination of the levels of the factors in the term (i.e. for each spline that has been fitted). The pointers elements are variates for SPLBLUP
(best linear unbiased predictors) and SPLX
(knot points), matrices for SPLDESIGN
(design matrices), and scalars for SPLSMOOTH
(smoothing parameters).
If the term involves a covariate, the CADJUSTMENT
parameter can save the adjustment that will have been made to its values during the analysis. This will be zero if option CADJUST
was set to none
when the fixed and random models were defined by VCOMPONENTS
. Alternatively, if CADJUST
had its default setting of mean
, each covariate will have been centred by subtracting its (weighted) mean.
The Wald statistic for a fixed term can be saved using the WALD
parameter. The WMETHOD
option controls whether these are from the table where terms are added sequentially to the model, or that where terms are dropped from the full fixed model. The associated F statistic, and its numerator and denominator numbers of degrees of freedom, can be saved by the FSTATISTIC
and DDF
parameters, respectively. The FMETHOD
option specifies which algorithm to use to calculate the denominator numbers of degrees of freedom. The default, automatic
, will use any stored values that have been calculated for this analysis by earlier REML
statements; otherwise it will choose automatically between the two available methods. (See REML
for more details.)
option can save the workspace setting that was used in the REML
command that performed the analysis, and the EXIT
option can save a code defining the exit status of the analysis. The codes (which are also used in the EXIT
parameter of REML
) are as follows:
0 analysis was completed successfully;
1 analysis did not converge within the specified number of iterations (but no fault occurred);
2 the fit was halted because no progress could be made;
3 the fit was halted the log-likelihood was diverging;
4 a parameter has gone out of bounds;
5 insufficient workspace;
6 no save structure is available (no REML
command or a fault occurred (may be set by VKEEP
but not by REML
7 value of deviance at final iteration larger than at previous iteration(s);
-1 the algorithm performed an iteration but failed for an indeterminate reason before the exit status was established;
-2 a failure occurred prior to calling the fitting algorithm.
, DF
Parameters: TERMS
See also
Directives: REML
Procedures: VAIC
Commands for: REML analysis of linear mixed models.
" Examples 2:5.3.1-3, 2:5.5.1, 2:5.5.2, 2:5.9.1a, 2:5.9.2 " " Split-plot design (Yates 1937, p.74; also John 1971, p.99)." UNITS [NVALUES=72] FACTOR [LEVELS=6] Blocks & [LEVELS=3] Wplots & [LEVELS=4] Subplots GENERATE Blocks,Wplots,Subplots FACTOR [LABELS=!T(Victory,'Golden rain',Marvellous)] Variety & [LABELS=!T('0 cwt','0.2 cwt','0.4 cwt','0.6 cwt')] Nitrogen VARIATE Yield; EXTRA=' of oats' READ [SERIAL=yes] Nitrogen,Variety,Yield 4 3 2 1 1 2 4 3 1 2 3 4 3 1 2 4 4 1 2 3 2 1 3 4 2 3 4 1 4 2 3 1 1 4 2 3 3 4 1 2 1 3 4 2 2 3 4 1 4 1 3 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 2 1 3 1 4 2 4 3 1 2 1 2 3 4 : 3 3 3 3 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 1 1 1 1 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 3 3 3 3 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 : 156 118 140 105 111 130 174 157 117 114 161 141 104 70 89 117 122 74 89 81 103 64 132 133 108 126 149 70 144 124 121 96 61 100 91 97 109 99 63 70 80 94 126 82 90 100 116 62 96 60 89 102 112 86 68 64 132 124 129 89 118 53 113 74 104 86 89 82 97 99 119 121 : VCOMPONENTS [Nitrogen*Variety] Blocks/Wplots/Subplots REML [METHOD=Fisher] Yield VDISPLAY [PRINT=means,stratumvariances] VLSD Nitrogen VGRAPH VPLOT VARIATE [VALUES=2(1...18)2] Row & [VALUES=(1,2)18,(3,4)18] Column VDFIELDRESIDUALS Y=Row; X=Column REML [PRINT=*] Yield VPREDICT [PRINT=description,prediction,avesed] Nitrogen VPREDICT [PRINT=description,prediction,avesed] Variety VPREDICT [PRINT=description,prediction,sed] Variety,Nitrogen TABLE [CLASSIFICATION=Nitrogen; VALUES=-3,1,1,1] Ncomp CALCULATE Ncomp = Ncomp / 3 VTCOMPARISONS Ncomp VKEEP TERMS=Variety; MEANS=MV; SEDMEANS=SedV; VARMEANS=VarV & [SIGMA2=Sigma2] Blocks/Wplots; COMPONENTS=Cb,Cwp PRINT MV PRINT [RLPRINT=integers,labels; CLPRINT=integers; RLWIDTH=20] SedV PRINT [RLPRINT=integers,labels; CLPRINT=integers] VarV PRINT Cb,Cwp,Sigma2 VFRESIDUALS [RESIDUALS=residual; SERESIDUALS=seresidual;\ FITTEDVALUES=fittedvalue; SEFITTEDVALUES=sefittedvalue] PRINT Yield,fittedvalue,sefittedvalue,residual,seresidual VFIXEDTESTS [FIXEDTESTS=Drop] PRINT Drop[] VFIXEDTESTS [FIXEDTESTS=Add; WMETHOD=add] PRINT Add[]