For video overviews of some of the new features, click the link below.
New Features in Genstat 19th Edition
The Genstat Server has been upgraded to Release 19.1
- Release 19.1 includes 1 new directive and 20 new procedures.
- Ability to use any installed font and to specify line styles by name in PEN statements.
- Empirical-distribution-function goodness-of-fit tests (EDFTEST)
- Power calculations, sample-size estimation and identification of outliers in REML analyses
(VPOWER, VSAMPLESIZE, VSOM) - Exploration of canonical relationships between terms in experimental designs
(ACANONICAL, ACDISPLAY, ACKEEP) - Orthogonal partial least squares regression (OPLS)
- Matern models in Kriging
- Ability to write multi-paged PDF files using OPEN and DEVICE statements.
- Increased speed of plotting multi-plot graphs like trellis plots and scatter plot matrices
New Statistics menus
- New Empirical Distribution Tests menu.
- New Lasso Regression menu.
General enhancements
- New Select theme and Save theme menus for setting and saving themes.
Themes are groups of settings that control the Genstat client look and feel. - Updated Start Page with working directories and extra help links.
- Full control of menu and text edit window positioning.
- Saving bookmarks in text files between sessions.
- Edit | Go back menu item now defined for text edit windows to return to the location of previous edits.
- Updates to the Submit File menu to make specifying a batch job simpler.
- New Restore image button defined for Custom dialogs.
Spreadsheet enhancements
- Updated look and feel with the new Appearance tab in the Spreadsheet Options.
Graphics enhancements
- New Key tab for defining keys,
including multi-column keys using the new DKEY procedure. - New Lines and Symbols spreadsheet dialog to make setting symbols for multiple plots easier.
- New Label Size and Position Options dialog to give full control of the positioning for point labels.
- Updates to the Lines and Symbols tab to make setting common attributes over multiple plots easier.
- Ability to set default graphics font and quality in the client.
- Full control over the fonts used for all graphics text using the Edit All Fonts as a List
and Edit Font dialogs. - Updates to the Graphics Viewer and Client menus to provide consistent options and settings.
- More control over the window colours in the Frame tab.
- The ability to set the number format for axes labels using the Format Label Options dialog.
- Added control over symbols, axes and frames for a number of graph types (e.g. histograms, bar charts and surface plots).
Statistics enhancements
- Ability to print or plot confidence limits in the Predictions dialogs
for Linear Regression and Generalized Linear Regression. - Residual checks in REML menus (in Options and Further Output dialogs).
- Outlier tests, permutation tests and power calculations in Linear Mixed Models Further Output dialog.
- Allow extra random terms in the Repeated Measures menus.
- Allow weights in the Linear Mixed Models menu.
- Ability to use dissimilarity/distance matrices for Hierarchical Cluster Analysis
and to set the orientation of the dendrogram.
- New Graphics Guide on creating graphs through menus and code under Help | Genstat Guides.
- All documentation edited with added images of menus and dialogs.