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What’s new in Genstat for Windows 20th Edition

The Genstat Server has been upgraded to Release 20.1

  • Release 20.1 includes 4 new directives and 21 new procedures.

New menus

  • The Data | Generate a Text Progression menu can be used to generate a text containing a progression of strings. This may be used to label rows, e.g. lab IDs for samples, or to use as labels for a factor.

General enhancements

  • Unicode characters are supported for import from Excel, Open Office and from the clipboard and keyboard. These will display in the client input, output and spreadsheet windows and graphs. Display of these in external editors for files saved from Genstat will require that the editors recognise UTF-8 characters. Output in RTF should support Unicode characters if fonts are available to display them on the computer. Older Windows 7 PCs have less Unicode support than Windows 8 and 10 PCs.
  • Unicode file names are also supported in client and server.
  • Improved Start Page with recent menus list.
  • Control of the default number of significant figures displayed in the output.
  • A calculation history saved between sessions for the Calculation menu.
  • More short-cut keys and buttons and the ability to toggle items in the View Menu on and off.

Statistics enhancements

Graphics enhancements

  • The new graphics Spiderweb or Star plot menu.
  • The new Add | Error bar menu.
  • The default format for axis labels now takes into account the DREPRESENTATION setting of the first variable plotted on the axis.
  • More control on the display of Trellis Plots menu.
  • Full portrait or landscape pages from the Scatter Plot Matrix menu.
  • Options for automatically orientating the pages in PDFs or the printer for portrait and landscape graphs.
  • More control over the graphs that are printed at once from the Print | All menu in the graphics viewer.
  • Support for the display of Unicode (where the symbols are available in the Windows operating system).
  • Support for multi-page PDF output from DEVICE 4 in the server and multiple graphs for other devices will create new unique file names rather than overwriting the first saved file.

Spreadsheet enhancements


  • All the documentation has been updated to cover all the new features and the images have been refreshed.
Updated on October 3, 2019

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