Controls appearance of windows and lets you quickly move to any that are hidden from view. The names of any open windows are appended to the end of the menu.
Close All
Closes all currently open menus, text windows and spreadsheets.
Arranges and resizes open windows so that the title bar of each window is visible.
Tile Horizontally
Tiles the spreadsheet and text windows horizontally.
Tile Vertically
Tiles the spreadsheet and text windows vertically.
Attach to Frame
This provides an alternative way to display windows in a maximized style. When selected, a window is resized to fit within the client area of the interface and is locked in this position until this setting has been removed.
This can be used to hide the docked window navigator and data view.
Cycles through the stack of open windows, making the next window current and bringing it up above any other open windows. The toolbar button has the same effect as this command.
Cycles through the stack of open windows, making the previous window current and bringing it up above any other open windows. The toolbar button has the same effect as this command.
Makes the Graphics window the current window, bringing it up above any other open windows. The toolbar button has the same effect as this command.
Makes the Output window the current window, bringing it up above any other open windows.
Input Log
Makes the Input Log the current window, bringing it up above any other open windows.
Event Log
Makes the Event Log the current window, bringing it up above any other open windows.
Lists all currently open windows, spreadsheets, and menus, enabling you to switch to a chosen window or close windows that are no longer required.