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  2. Add Error Bar to Plot

Add Error Bar to Plot

Use this to add an error bar to an existing graph open in the graphics viewer. This uses the DERRORBAR procedure.

  1. From the menu select Graphics | Add to Graph | Error bar.


This specifies the length of the bar to be added to the plot, in the same coordinates as used by the X and Y values in the plot (depending on the Orientation of the error bar).

Mid-point Y and X

Lets you specify where the error bar is centred in the plot. The mid-point of the error bar will be plotted at the given Y and X value. If these are not set, a vertical bar will be plotted just inside the left-hand side of the window, and a horizontal bar will be plotted at the bottom of the window.

Key description

This specifies a description that will be added to the key of the current plot. Leave this blank, if you do not want to add an extra entry to the key

In plot label

This specifies a label that will be added to the current plot alongside the error bar. The location of the label relative to the error bar is set in the Label section of the menu using the Y-justification and X-justification options. Other options there let you control the colour and size of the label. Leave this blank, if you do not want to add a label to the plot.

Insert symbol

This opens the Insert Symbol menu where you can add Greek and mathematical symbols or line breaks into the Key description or In plot label fields. The symbols will be added to the field that last had focus.


This opens the Format Text menu where you can format text (bold, italic, subscript, superscript) in the Key description or In plot label fields. If only part of the text is selected, only that selection will be formatted or replaced. The format will be applied to the field that last had focus.


Specifies the orientation of the error bar. You can select either Horizontal or Vertical.

Bar cap width

Specifies an amount by which to multiply the standard width caps plotted at the ends of the error bar. The value 1 represents the standard width, a value of zero will remove the bar caps.

Line colour

Lets you select the colour of the error bar.

Line style

Lets you select from a list of line styles. This style is used to plot the line in the error bar.

Line thickness

Specifies an amount by which to multiply the standard thickness of the plotted lines. The value 1 represents the standard thickness.

Label colour

Lets you select the colour of the label.

Label size

Lets you select the size of the font used for the label. The default size is 1 and a value of 2 will double the height of the font, and a value of 0.5 will halve the font height.

Label Y-justification

Specifies how the label is placed relative to the error bar in the Y direction.

Below Places the label above the bar
Centre Centres the label around the bar
Above Places the label below the bar

Label X-justification

Specifies how the label is placed relative to the error bar in the X direction.

Left Places the label to the left of the bar
Centre Centres the label around the bar
Right Places the label to the right of the bar

Window number

Defines the window where the error bar is to be added. If no previous graph has been plotted in this window, then an error bar cannot be displayed.

Action buttons

Run Add the error bar to the plot.
Cancel Close the dialog without further changes.
Defaults Close the menu without further changes.

Action Icons

Pin Controls whether to keep the dialog open when you click Run. When the pin is down  the dialog will remain open, otherwise when the pin is up  the dialog will close.
Restore Restore names into edit fields and default settings.
Clear Clear all fields and list boxes.
Help Open the Help topic for this dialog.

See also

Add Text to Plot dialog
Add Reference Line to Plot dialog
Add Arrow to Plot
Create Graph
Graphics Menu
DERRORBAR procedure

Updated on September 16, 2019

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